This is our story
We are very excited to contribute to the most vulnerable young people's future and to the society through empowerment and mentoring .
Care for young People's Future has been established in June 2019 and our goal is to perform a third party audit every 2-3 years to ensure transparency.
We are committed to all Safeguarding procedures,GDPR compliance all our staff are DBS verified and completing mandatory CPD training.
Raising young people's aspirations, supporting their emotional well being and offering alternative education are our priorities.
We are a team of lived experience staff,Roma and non Roma working together for the benefit of vulnerable young people.
For the past ten-fifteen years , the team from the Care for young people's
future , has worked actively and very intense to promote the equality and
inclusion in education for the Roma children and families and other BME
Our main background is in Education ,Law, Policies and Programs at European level, Culture,Art ,History ,Dance and Communities.
main reason for fighting against inequalities and promoting an
inclusive educations , is because , we are part of the disadvantaged
communities , we were one of the young people who experienced
discrimination due to our ethnic origin,traditions and beliefs.
work that we have done and that we aim to do under the '' Care for
young people's future'', is the result of our passion to support the
disadvantaged communities and the desire to empower the young people to
become more active in all sectors.
We strongly believe that , early intervention and prevention is a key factor to improve relationship with services and families . Building successful families ,by accelerating the progress of EAL families and by preventing the gap in education and engagement .
Choose to work with us , if you care about young people's future from South Yorkshire . We are a community interest company and all the profit , income goes towards creating more opportunities, training and jobs for the young people with a disadvantaged background .
We strongly believe and we are driven by these main three topics:
Human rights , Equality,Inclusion
Terezia Rostas - Executive Director CYPF

Small changes with a big difference
Care for young people's future has been set up to support the needs of the vulnerable young people.
The founder and executive director,who has worked in the education field for over ten years , Terezia Rostas says :'' Our aim is to break the gaps in education and offer long sustainable support to the most vulnerable young children and families!
Myself and all the associated members , come to support CYPF with a lived experience and have a different view and approach which suits the young people's needs and services .
Our priority is to empower Roma young people, BME and any other young people with EAL background,who are at risk of exclusions , Looked after children or undiagnosed needs, to achieve their best potential.
We are looking forward to work in partnership with: Local Authorities, services, school and organisations , for a better inclusion of the young people and families .
Meet the real world heroes from CYPF

Terezia Rostas
Executive director Care for young people's future .
Terezia Rostas
My name is Terezia Rostas , I am part of the Hungarian Gabor Roma Community I was born in Romania. I have graduated in Law and I am an Education consultant and advocate for the Roma Community.
Being an Education consultant for Roma ,resulted in setting up ''Care for young people's future CIC, which, aims to improve Roma people's lives and support professionals who want to offer better opportunities to our community .
I have 3 sisters and unfortunately, I've lost my youngest brother and I've only got one brother now.
The fact that I lost my youngest brother at a young age, made realise how much I love my traditions, my community and how grateful I am to God for all things that happen to me and to my family in life
I was named after my auntie on my father's side. I was born in May, a great time of the year and I am a friendly person always looking to help as much as I can.
I came to England to be part of a different world. A world where ,there is less prejudice and racism, a world where I can see that I am valued as a human being and to seek happiness in my life, by learning, exploring and achieving together with my own community and family.
I feel that wherever I would've lived , I would've done the same things which I am so passionate about Advocate for the Roma community , support their voice, improve standards in education and fight for a fair inclusion and integration.
When I go to work, to schools, to services , I always see beyond everything and feel accomplished when positive things happen related to my own community .
It makes me feel not just proud, but accomplished that we, as a community stand together, have a heard voice, we influence decisions related to our future and we improve our lives through education, arts and culture.
Every single moment , related to a Roma event, makes feel , that , ''I am living the Dream ''!
My wishes for the future? To raise my children in a better world, maintain our Roma traditions and culture and to see my children doing everything for themselves and for the community and family.
Two memorable events in my life are when I gave life to my both children and when my father used to bring us gifts when he was coming home from abroad.
My favourite quote? "An educated women can and will change an entire generation!

Nicoleta Calin
A highly motivated and driven Roma woman educated to Masters Level in Ethnicity and Policy Making, committed to anti-discriminatory practice and equal opportunities. Has always been involved in community development and organizing and is experienced in supporting policies and programs that ensure the integration of marginalized groups into society"
Rosa Cisneros
Rosamaria is a Dance Historian and Critic, Roma Scholar, Flamenco Historian and Peace Activist who graduated from the UW-Madison and went on to complete her Master's from UNM-Albuquerque. Rosamaria is a professional dancer, choreographer, curator and qualified teacher, who has lived and danced in various parts of the world and collaborated with many Flamenco greats and other leaders in the Dance field. She has taught throughout Europe and the US at places like UW-Madison, UIUC, Boston Conservatory, Brown University and at various other places in Germany, Spain and Turkey. She is a dance writer who makes regular contributions to Bachtrack Magazine and Flamenco News having also danced with Protein Dance Company in the UK.
Rosamaria is involved in various EU funded projects which aim to make education accessible to vulnerable groups and ethnic minorities and sits on various Boards: Roma Coventry Project (UK), Drom Kotar Mestipen Roma Women's Association (Spain) and the Early Dance Circle (UK). At the moment she is a Research Fellow at Coventry University's Centre for Dance Research based in the UK. She is inspired by interdisciplinary work and collaborative projects and modes of working. The combination of the practical and the theoretical underpins all of her research interests and she is guided by bringing people together. Working with vulnerable groups and using the arts and education to engage communities and participate in projects that lead to a more inclusive society, is what underpins her academic research. Cultural heritage and digital technologies is also a key part of her current practice.
Rosa is also an independent artist, dancer, curator and teacher who has organized various festivals and exhibitions. Her dance films have screened in the UK, US, Colombia, Mexico and Germany and her latest documentary won best documentary from the UK in 2016. She has started her own production company, RosaSenCis Film Production Co, which runs several projects with a focus on arts, cultural heritage, Roma and vulnerable communities. Rosamaria also collaborates closely with the University of Barcelona's Centre for Research on Theories and Practices for Overcoming Inequalities (CREA) and is continuing her PhD in Sociology.